About Us

Who is IA Capital?

We love the work we’re able to do and we approach every case with the client’s best interest at heart. Other companies might offer similar services, but no one values client relationships like us. Our genuine care for your well-being is why our interest rates are so low and why our fees are transparent. It’s also why you won’t owe us anything if you lose your case. We’re on your side, and we’re ready to help.

Our Fees are Transparent

Honest Pricing. Full Transparency.

Transparency with the client is key to how we operate. We believe in being upfront with you about costs and never tacking on any hidden fees. Our clients are never charged with case serving fees, case review fees, archival fees, and document fees like other companies will charge for. You have our word when we say we’ll be transparent with you from start to finish.

We’re Members of ALFA/Bar Associations / Accreditations

With over 15 years of experience in the industry, IA Capital has been trusted by thousands of clients throughout the United States.

IA Capital is highly sensitive to all of our attorneys’ needs while they help their clients. We understand and are knowledgeable of the rules of Professional Conduct and the Canons of Ethics in each state in which we do business. Our procedures and documentation are designed to maintain, at all times, the highest ethical standards to ensure confidentiality and case control. We are happy to provide you with ethics opinions for your specific practice jurisdiction regarding the relationship between pre-settlement funding companies and law firms in your state.